Consultant - Miemmie Prinsloo

Phone:086 10 46243

With a passion for colour and fashion and having dressed my friends for years, I finally decided to take the plunge and turn my passion into a business. Although Image and Fashion Stylist is my official title, I prefer to refer to myself as “The cobweb clearer”.

Women these days are mothers, wives, friends, lovers, confidants, home makers, secretaries, IT experts, financial advisors, lawyers etc etc etc.

Being everything to everyone, we often forget about ourselves, we cover our inner beauty under loads of guilt and eventually it shows on the outside. The way we dress, the way we walk and talk all is affected by the pressure of our fast living society.

It’s time women take back the power! Let’s look our beautiful best!

A confident, well dressed woman has the power to change the world.

Let men want to open doors for us, listen to us in the boardroom and respect us as women.



Right: Grandmother age 77
Bottom right: Daughter age 54
Bottom: Grandaughter age 24