Consultant - LANA SMIT
Phone:086 10 46243
I first realized my flair for fashion when I entered High school. Casual days was always a huge challenge. I’d find myself trying to picture different outfits on different girls. My interest in fashion kept growing and I continued to follow all the latest trends and styles.
When I started my first job I was compelled to wear a uniform. This did not still my appetite for what was happening around the world with trendy fashions. Before taking the Image Consultant Course, I had the opportunity to style the receptionist and other colleagues. People started to comment and compliment the staff and I realized that it was time for me to fulfill my dream. Ronel Jacobs Image and Style Consulting grabbed my attention and I immediately took steps to further my career.
With the knowledge I have attained, I am ready and confident to face the challenges of taking ordinary women under my wing and helping them to become extra-ordinary women.